Dare to Lead™ graduate masterclass

Dare to LEad™ Workshops



We recap all four skills of courageous leadership, debrief on each participant’s experience of putting the tools to work, and specify what a clear roadmap looks like for each person to become a more daring leader.

Who’s it for?

Individuals or teams of an organisation who have completed the 2-3 day Dare to Lead or the ‘Best of Dare to Lead’ programme.


This workshop will refresh participants to the research and tools of Dr Brené Brown’s now famous Dare to Lead™ program, based on her 20 years of research and best-selling book, Dare to Lead.

In this 1-day Dare to Lead™ graduate masterclass, we will revisit the most important parts of this ground-breaking work and the tools and practices to operationalise becoming a Daring Leader.

We revisit all four skills of courageous leadership and the tools and strategies in Dare to Lead™. We will be lead by your team’s experience of their Daring Leadership journey so far and dive deeper into areas where they feel they need the most support. There will be new original video content from Brené Brown suited to graduates of the Dare to Lead™ program who are actively on their daring leadership journey and are already using some of the tools and skills taught in Dare to Lead™.

During this highly interactive and practical day, we explore each participant’s journey, debrief on their experience of putting the tools to work so far, and identify what a clear roadmap looks like for each person to become a more Daring Leader.


  • A refresher on the four skillsets of Courageous Leadership and the skills and tools to use to significantly accelerate your journey to becoming a great leader.

  • Revisit the personal values of each participant and gain a deeper understanding how living into your values can improve all aspects of your life. Increased awareness of how important they are for authentic leadership, and how to operationalise these values in the work place.

  • Greater awareness of the importance of Clear is Kind, and gain a shared understanding of each person’s journey to being more confident at having difficult conversations.

  • A discussion of the seven key elements of trust and how each person has experienced these in their workplace since they completed Dare to Lead™.

  • Through this intensely connecting work attendees will feel more connected, more seen, more understood and more valued.

  • You will forge stronger, deeper and more trusting relationships with your colleagues, your clients and with your family and friends.


8-hrs in-person or online workshop