Short Form Leadership Development Workshops


dynamic and intensive short courses to focus on areas where you need growth and change

A life of joy, meaning and success requires connection to self, and others. Our dynamic workshops and training environments explore themes of courage building, daring leadership, growing and staying connected in times where we are more isolated than ever, presentation skills, team and organisation unification, cultural programmes, and most importantly – happiness through wellness and purpose building. In each and everything we do, we exist to help people turn on their inner light, and burn brightly in the world, helping them to live a life filled with more joy and purpose.

  • Self-awareness and Connection

    Great leadership begins with self-awareness and how we connect with ourselves and others. Knowing yourself and the impact you have on other people is essential.

    90% of us believe we are self-aware, the data says 10-15% are.

    4 hrs in-person

  • How to Have Difficult Conversations

    Dr Brené Brown’s 15 years of research found that the number one issue for organisations is that they are not having difficult conversations - learn how to have them. It’s the foundation for a high performance team.

    2 or 4-hrs, online or in-person

  • The Superpower of Active Listening

    Active listening is an art, a learned skill and critical to great leadership.

    2 or 4-hrs, online or in-person

  • Communication Essentials

    Presenting and Public Speaking – the must have tools to use everyday.

    2 or 4-hrs, online or in-person

  • Overwhelm

    Busyness and overwhelm are at record levels. Learn a roadmap, some tools and skills to step into a place of power, centeredness and wholeheartedness.

    2 or 4-hrs, online or in-person

  • Leading with Authenticity Workshop

    Being brave enough to be truly authentic in your work and personal life, is phenomenally energising, liberating and your team will love you for it.

    2-hrs, online or in-person

OUR short form workshops ARE DESIGNED TO ALLOW YOU TO:

  • Dive into one specific area in a short period of time

  • Work towards creating a life with meaning, self-awareness and purpose

  • Allow you to step fully into your power, empowering you to lead in your own life and at work

  • Develop a high performance company culture with a trusting workplace environment that builds leaders with emotional literacy and creates a supportive, empowering and authentic workplace

  • Achieve success, with an understanding of the pain points that are holding you back and learn the skills for you to fully step into your potential