self awareness and connection

Short Form Leadership Development



In this workshop we combine two of the most powerful elements of what it is to be a great leader, self-awareness and connection. Great leadership begins with self-awareness and how we connect with ourselves and others. You can not be a great leader until you know yourself, and until you know how to connect with others. Knowing yourself and the impact you have on other people is essential.

Most of us believe we are self-aware, the data says 85% of us are not. The good news is self-awareness can be learned.

Who’s it for?

Teams in any organisation.

What you’ll Learn

How we connect to ourselves and others is fundamental to great leadership. Research shows that we are neurobiologically hard-wired for connection. We draw on some of the leading researchers in this area, such as Shawn Achor, Tashi Eurich and Brené Brown.

  • What is self-awareness, why is it so important for leadership and for mental wellbeing.

  • Top tactics for increasing your self-awareness.

  • What holds us back - what gets in the way of self-awareness.

  • That humans are hard-wired for connection, irrespective of personality type. How to stay in connection with people, even when the going gets tough.

  • What is empathy, why it is different from sympathy, and how do I practice it? Why is it a leadership superpower, in fact a human being superpower, when practiced properly.

  • Why great leadership and staying connected with others requires showing up for hard conversations and practicing the art of 'Clear is kind'.

  • That having hard, honest conversations is critical for building trust within my team and is the foundation of building a high-performance culture.

  • How to give and receive feedback without shaming, blaming, and how to stay in connection with the other person.

  • Skills and mindsets for giving and receiving feedback.

  • Specific stand alone tools you can apply immediately to make you a more effective and authentic leader.

Shawn Achor’s experiments have empirically proven that gratitude, and more specifically a gratitude practice is one of the foundational tools for happiness. He defines happiness as the joy you feel when we’re moving toward your potential. In this workshop we look at perspective taking, working collaboratively, self-compassion, empathy and why gratitude is so important in reshaping our mindset.


4-hr in-person workshop. You’ll listen, learn, laugh, sit, stand, move around, be surprised, watch videos, role-play new skills, experience joy and leave with many tangible skills which can be applied immediately and continue to develop over time.